St Joseph’s Day


Monday 19th March, 10.30am at St Finbar’s Catholic Church, Glenbrook


Mass 8, Credo 3, psalm toned propers with extra verses at Communion (psalm 111). Ubi Caritas as the Offertory motet. Great St Joseph, Son of David as the Recessional hymn.

Choir to be there by 9.45am, please.

For those not familiar with the music, I sat down and ran through the whole booklet and cut it into tracks:
take1-01.mp3 the Introit text
take1-02 Introit with tune
take1-03 Kyrie 8
take1-04 Gloria 8
take1-05 Collect
take1-06 Gradual text
take1-07 Gradual with tune
take1-08 Tract text
take1-09 Tract with tune
take1-10 Credo 3
take1-11 Offertory text
take1-12 Offertory with tune
take1-13 Ubi caritas
take1-14 Preface
take1-15 Sanctus
take1-16 Agnus Dei
take1-17 Communion text
take1-18 Communion with tune
take1-18 Ite, missa est
take1-18 Great St Joseph


I’m putting this together on a CD along with some more beautiful recordings as shown below:

Not exactly those recordings, but you get the idea.

So that’s the plan. See you there!

Litany of St Joseph

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Someone recommended the

Holy Cloak Novena
30 days of prayer to St Joseph in honour of his 30 years as foster father of the Son of God.

In typical idiotic procrastination I typed up the Litany of St Joseph from the Liber Usualis with an English translation. To even up the page count I added Pope Leo XIII’s prayer to St Joseph – to be said after the rosary during the month of October.

Technically it was a more challenging piece. Typing up a litany has the problem of how to arrange all the invocations with translations so that it is easy to read and follow.


Now to pray the litany for 30 days! If this helps you, please spare a prayer for my intentions.